Our planet Earth and the entire humanity is in danger because of the effects of global warming. The scientists face severe challenges to find an effecti...
The room, which was inspired by Jules Verne, is based on a true story that we gave an extra twist. The inventor whose realm you’re planning to enter, wa...
Your journey can soon become a nightmare! Your game's location is a real underground station under the Parliament. By getting to the subway, you realize...
You find yourselves in a mysterious prison. You don't know how or why you got here, but for sure you must escape from the captivity of those bars. It's ...
A real classic room for the lovers of old-school escape games! According to Greek mythology Theseus, after defeating the human-bodied bull-headed beast,...
You step into an abandoned bunker only to find out that an asteroid is heading straight to our planet! Fortunately you have a slight chance to successfu...