"Nightmare In Budapest" is an interactive horror theatre, or rather a journey into the realm of darkness in the style of the American haunted house and ...
Loki stole the Tesseract and opened the wormhole. The Avengers are the only ones who can stop him in destroying the Planet. Hovewer Loki, the God of Mis...
Dark murder casts a shadow on the streets of Kamakura. You must enter the shogun's house at night to steal the evidence. The culprit can no longer be sa...
You find yourselves in a mysterious prison. You don't know how or why you got here, but for sure you must escape from the captivity of those bars. It's ...
Clueless trespassers entered the horror farm not knowing that it's inhabitants are at home. These creatures don't like visitors so they are putting them...
The year is 1956, and you are one of the unfortunate patients of Overbrook Insane Asylum. They say it is a place for the mentally ill to rest and heal, ...